Bezpłatne Programy Komputerowe


REAPER jest programem służącym do edycji plików audio. Współpracuje z następującymi formatami plików MP3, OGG, MIDI, WAV itp. Oczywiście program umożliwia osiągnięcie bardzo ciekawych efektów. Jest przeznaczony zarówno dla osób zajmujących się miksowaniem dzwięku jak i zupełnych amatorów.

W nowej wersji zmiany:

* Joystick MIDI improvements (modeless config, submodes, etc)
* Allow ctrl+drag copy of selected areas of items even with very small selections
* Actions: split selected items at project markers, split selected items at grid
* Action: remove content behind selected items (shift-X by default)
* Crossfade selected items action allows time selection that is completely within both items
* Fixed bug with render dialogs render master not being restored from configuration
* ReaDelay: fixed label of delay length (from QN to 8N)
* Fixed some bugs relating to Unicode conversions when getting long UI strings
* OSX: fixed sending 1 and 2 byte messages to MIDI hardware
* Ctrl+drag (pencil mode) creates empty MIDI item if no item is selected
* SiF meters now show actual signal
* Batch rendering will no longer show save prompt/project properties if preference set
* MIDI editor: fixed sorting and mouse hit testing of overlapping notes
* MIDI editor: Undo/redo of certain actions from within editor updates cached note names
* MIDI editor: fixed scroll issues with last clicked note selection
* MIDI editor: notes are not created when dragging vertically
* MIDI editor: action to cycle through multiple items loaded in one editor (alt+N by default)
* MIDI editor: better paste edit cursor behavior with looped items
* Menu bar shows recording format, device settings, optionally free disk space including time
* Normalize as much as +120dB (up from +36dB)
* Allow resizing tracks in folder compact (not supercompact) mode
* Toolbar icons show current state for many global toggle actions
* Fixed relative filename item paste issues (when option to use relative files before fully qualified path is set)
* Disabling record arm for tracks now sends all notes off
* New JS: adpcm_simulator
* Fixed project load splash screen leak
* Better track vertical resize behaviors with varying arrange view sizes
* Fixed open performance meter causing crashes in certain instances
* VST: Support for plug-ins with Unicode filenames
* VST: UAD plug-ins always get constant blocksizes (so that they can loop without extra latency)
* VST: extra UAD mutexing on opening of UI

Licencja: Trial
Pobierz : REAPER 3.04

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